Daily Mega Without Iron

$ 37.00 USD
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$ 37.00 USD
$ 33.30 USDeach

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  • Antioxidant Protection
  • Detoxification
  • Health in Those with Poor Nutrient Intake
  • Those with Stressful Lifestyles
  • Foundation Nutrition for a Variety of Protocols
  • Basic “Insurance” Formula for Wellness

This high-quality, hypoallergenic, multivitamin/mineral blend includes activated vitamins; folate as a blend of Quatrefolic®(5-MTHF) and folic acid for optimal utilization; and patented Albion® TRAACS® chelated mineral complexes in vegetable capsules.

The comprehensive nutrient profile in Daily Mega Without Iron supports foundational wellness; antioxidant activity with vitamins C and E, selenium, and beta-carotene; and phase I detoxification.